Johnsonic and his friends during the music video production. Photo: Xchange Perspectives e.V.
23.03.2011TrainingProductionMedia for Peace
Making their voices heard
"Let's participate actively with all our hearts. Life is more important than anything else. And life can only be in unity", Johnsonic sings for the whole Sudan to vote peacefully. This music video, produced by Xchange Perspectives for MiCT, brings in simple words what the elections meant to the people of Southern Sudan: Having their voices heard.
- Watch the music video 'Let's go vote'
In rural areas like Magwi County, music is an effective way to spread information. Over five weeks, Xchange Perspectives trained three participants in Magwi on the entire music production process—from development and recording to production and mastering. Initially, none of the participants had any experience with instruments, which were unavailable in the conflict-ridden region. Recording music in South Sudan was nearly impossible, often requiring travel to Uganda, a costly endeavour few could afford.
Today, music can be recorded in Magwi, significantly contributing to the cultural identity of the youth. Their songs envision a stable, prosperous, and peaceful future. Musicians like Johnsonic aim to spread this vision through their music.