Diana and Xchange Perspectives co-founder and filmmaker Frank Müller xchanging perspectives. Photo: Xchange Perspectives e.V.
31.03.2011ProductionMedia for Peace
A School Day with Diana
"I dream of being a doctor", Diana says with a smile. Many children share this same dream, many however have to struggle as much as she does to make their dreams come true. This documentary film reflects one day in the life of a 13-year-old Southern Sudanese schoolgirl, Diana, who stands exemplary for many others in Southern Sudan. Produced by Xchange Perspectives for EED and SEZ, A School Day with Diana brings us closer to understanding the hopes of thousands of girls in Southern Sudan.
- Watch the documentary film 'A school day with Diana'
The people of Southern Sudan are among the poorest in the world. Nowhere else is childhood as difficult. For years, children were unable to learn basic skills like reading and writing. Although conditions have improved, there remains a pressing need for well-trained teachers, educational materials, and proper school buildings. Nearly a third of South Sudanese children attend lessons in the open air. To secure a peaceful future for South Sudan, it is crucial that the majority of children receive quality primary education.
At Ginyapoli Primary School, education is minimal. The documentary A School Day with Diana showcases a day in the life of Diana, reflecting the experiences of many girls in South Sudan. Diana speaks about her daily life, school lessons, her future hopes, dreams, and fears. The film offers a profound insight into her simple lifestyle: living with an extended family in a tukul (local hut), her daily journey to school, her lessons, and the chores she must complete before and after school. Diana's story highlights the immense challenge of achieving one of the Millennium Development Goals: primary education for all. By 2015, the goal was for every child, girl and boy, to complete a full and high-quality primary education. A School Day with Diana serves as an example of the obstacles faced by countries like South Sudan, hindered by poverty and prolonged civil war.
- Background on South Sudan: South Sudan, ravaged by one of Africa's longest civil wars, is one of the world's least developed regions. Many areas lack any infrastructure. The civil war, spanning over 20 years, decimated primary healthcare systems, roads, bridges, and schools. Since the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in January 2005 between the SPLA/M (Sudan People Liberation Movement/Army) and the Government of Sudan, the newly formed Government of Southern Sudan, in collaboration with international organisations, has made significant strides for its people. However, establishing an effective primary education system will take time. Ongoing conflicts, internal ethnic divisions, and violence from the Ugandan LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) continue to impede progress.